all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4AA 15 0 51.853227 0.160037
CM23 4AB 6 0 51.853395 0.15823
CM23 4AD 13 0 51.852976 0.156075
CM23 4AE 11 0 51.853374 0.16183
CM23 4AG 26 0 51.857823 0.132911
CM23 4AJ 7 0 51.852195 0.161919
CM23 4AL 6 1 51.851512 0.161363
CM23 4AN 8 0 51.851124 0.160473
CM23 4AP 4 0 51.849626 0.160779
CM23 4AR 5 0 51.849042 0.160737
CM23 4AS 17 1 51.848314 0.159714
CM23 4AT 5 1 51.843379 0.156676
CM23 4AU 32 7 51.839738 0.157634
CM23 4AW 8 0 51.849854 0.160093
CM23 4AX 9 0 51.837753 0.156015
CM23 4AY 10 0 51.835681 0.153304
CM23 4AZ 85 0 51.855962 0.13336
CM23 4BA 13 1 51.835207 0.157098
CM23 4BB 2 0 51.829947 0.156482
CM23 4BD 5 0 51.830327 0.161306